Craig Thompson's 'Blankets' reminded me of how infatuation feels like

One of the resolutions I made this year was to read less business books and read more fiction/story-driven non-fiction books.

Craig Thompson's "Blankets" is the graphic novel I picked up after finishing Chris Voss' book "Never Split The Difference" (which was meh overall), and man, I wasn't ready for the feels trip it sent me on.

The art is phenomenal and perfectly complements Thompson's deep, emotional coming of age story.

The emotions you'd feel run the gamut of profound sadness ("...but in that pathetic little clump of blankets, there was comfort...") to nodding your head and saying "yep, I too did that when I was young" while perusing panels like the ones in the photos below which depict Thompson rubbing one out to the intricacies of his childhood crush's handwriting.

Blankets also reminded me of how infatuation feels like.

Being married and being as old as I am, infatuation is a feeling that has become all but foreign to me considering how long ago I last felt it.

While it didn't actually make me relive the feelings I felt when I had my first silly high school crush,  it took me close. It's like smelling something and, very fleetingly, being reminded of a very specific point in your life replete with the most minute detail.

The feeling was weird and palpable.

It was nice.

I want to feel more feelings like this!

The last book I read that made me feel something similar was John Green's Looking for Alaska